
Balanced Living Blog

Agni Tea Recipe

The first definition of agni is the element of Fire, the second of the five elements in the body. It also denotes the digestive fire which regulates temperature, performs digestion, absorption, and assimilation of ingested food, and transforms food into energy or consciousness. Agni Tea is a simple beverage that...

5 Ways to Prime Your Digestion for Thanksgiving!

5 Tips to Kick Start your Digestion With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s time to review the digestive tips that I shared a few years back. It seems like this time of year rolls around so quickly, and while I am excited to shared delicious...

Travel Tips For Balance!

17 Tips For Balance During Summer Travel Traveling and the 3 Doshas or Body Types – Vata, Pitta and Kapha Typically when I travel, I notice that I start to feel a bit overwhelmed with my growing to do list. I love exploring new places, but dread...

Summer Food List to Cool Your Body and Mind

Summer Grocery List Though these are not the only items you can eat, they are the most beneficial foods in the Summer. ·         Eat more foods that are Sweet, Bitter, Astringent / Cold, Heavy, Oily:  such as salads, smoothies, fresh fruit. ·         Eat less foods that are Pungent...