
The Amazing “CCF” tea

The Amazing “CCF” tea

In Ayurveda, we like to brew up a tea that we call “CCF” tea, which is simply coriander, cumin and fennel seeds.

This tea is miraculous for balancing your digestion, as well as your hormones, and gentling detoxing your system. Whenever I feel a little off, I make a batch of this tea and drink it throughout the day, for several days. In fact, currently I am following the suggestions of Dr. Kulreet Chaudhard MD in her book The Prime, and drinking this tea every day for several months. (More about “The Prime” in my next newsletter.) I really find it soothing and my digestion loves it too. Here’s how to make your own batch:

– ½ teaspoon each of coriander, cumin and fennel seeds. (Available in the spice racks, and in bulk at most health food stores, OR you can order a pre-made blend at (Use HollyPadove10 in promo code for 10% off.)
– Bring 4-5 cups of water to a boil, then add the seeds.
– Let boil at a lower temp (simmering, yet bubbling) for 10 minutes.
– Strain into a thermos that will keep your tea warm.
– Drink throughout the day!